LEI Code: 335800CDAZ591SUVDO91
ISIN Code: INE0SZ201014

Android POS Terminal

Pswitch Pay POS terminal comes loaded with our proprietary software that enables any Retailer to perform transactions-both online as well as offline. We believed that retailers on the POS will benefit greatly in times to come, with add on services and elements like biometrics etc, making it one of the enviable modes of connectivity. A large number of services can ride on the same PoS. It requires minimal space in a shop and has the least cost of operation.

SoftPOS is an application that turns any Android device (eg mobile phone or tablet) into a standard POS terminal, without the need for additional devices. The main advantages of SoftPOS are ease of use in a small space or on the go and lower costs, as there is no need for any hardware procurement. you can accept payments wherever you are. All Instruments accepted: Debit Cards, Credit Cards through Chip Contactless cards and UPI, Pswitch Pay Wallet, PPBL net banking transactions through QR code.

A payment can be made in the form of cash, check, wire transfer, credit card, or debit card. More modern methods of payment types leverage the Internet and digital platforms.

Pswitch Pay is a popular mobile wallet and payment gateway that lets you transfer money quickly and easily, and offers a range of rewards and discounts for users.

Your favorite brands accept payments using PSwitch pay Payments Gateway.

Pay on websites & apps with your Credit Card, Debit Card, Pswitch pay Wallet, NEFT, EMIs.

To offer every Indian equal opportunity to accelerate their progress by unlocking the flow of money and access to services.

Multiple payment methods Offer acceptance of Visa, Mastercard card and Apple and Google Pay Provide omnichannel experience from e-commerce to accepting payments on the go with software POS and standard physical POS for brick-and-mortar. Sort out pay-outs to peers with Visa Direct and Money Send.

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